This deck build is almost pure Neo-Spacian monsters and is hard to make it competitive. Neo-Spacian monsters arent really that good compared to Elemental Heroes but this is the best I came up with. This deck focuses on summoning Elemental Hero Neos ASAP and fusing with him as quickly as possible. If you like my deck recipe, feel free to PM me for it. Or visit my website for more of my infamous deck recipes. freewebs...
One of the hardest duels in Story Mode. You have to face 4 four duelists and they are all very tough but with a twist, YOUR LIFE POINTS ARE THE SAME FOR ALL 4 DUELS so that means YOU ONLY GOT 8000 LP FOR THE 4 BATTLES, this means that your LP are carried over from battle to battle so if you finish the 1st battle with 3000 LP youll start the 2nd one with 3000 LP. Dont let them Synchro summon or lose major amount of LP in one duel. You will be pretty much screwed. I cant tell you how to beat them all since it depends on the de...
Need help on Duel Puzzles? Never fear...this guide will show you step by step on how its done. You need to complete 3 to continue the story but if you completed all 5 then youll unlock a new opponent in WC Mode....
Heres the Finals of the Tag Tournament in Story Mode. Basically, you face off against the cute but deadly twins, Leo and Luna. Leo focuses on Morphtronic deck and Luna uses a Fairy Deck. Since those monsters arent strong attack-wise, his Messanger of Peace/Gravity Bind will lockdown your best monsters while the Morphtronics terrorize the field. Lunas deck isnt that good with monsters but her spells and traps make a great help for Leo. If youre going to duel them, then I suggest you start thinking about ridding those pesky sp...
This is the final duel of the Fortune Cup and Story Mode. This guy is not that big of a deal. Hes much easir than the 4 clones and your deck should be really good already. I happen to stumble upon his good hand which is nice because I wanted it to be a fun duel. Jack has some pretty good cards like his Big Piece Golem and such. I think you shouldnt have any trouble with him unless your deck isnt good enough to handle 2000+ ATK monsters. After you beat Jack, then you basically beat Story Mode. Congrats to you and as Goodwin s...
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