Watch in High Definition! Classic Game Room HD reviews the Nintendo Wii ZAPPER gun add-on for the Wiimote to use with shooting games like House of the Dead Overkill and Links Crossbow Training! Shoot zombies and happy, child-friendly creatures with this Japanese-produced white, molded piece of plastic that magically transforms your Wii controller into an AK-47 assault rifle, laser cannon or teen rated crossbow. No batteries required, the Wii Zapper gun controller simply works with your battery powered Wiimote to function as ...
I find it hard to believe that these comments came from adults, especially the 3rd one. Why do they insist on forming opinions about things they obviously know nothing about. Light Guns are nothing new in the games industry, and technically the Zapper isnt a Light Gun, its a shell that you put the Wiimote and Ninchuck into... so technically you dont even need it to play the games. News Links: N-Europe n-europe CVG wwwputerandvideogames Original Blog: blog.nj...
The bundled game, Links Crossbow Training is multifaceted and exactly whats needed to give the player practice using the Zapper. AND, the game is a lot of fun all by itself! Check out my video! To see more reviews by pyro383, go to expotv...
live.pirillo - I know a lot of you still love playing Duck Hunt when you have the chance. Its hard to find the game, or the things you need to play it. I wonder how long itll be before Nintendo releases Duck Hunt for the Wii. After all, they have a Zapper now! Blog post chris.pirillo...
This is the zapper I made for my Wii. it took my 20 mins to build this mo-fo and I still use it today! the design was not supposed to look like nintendoss zapper, I just called it that because...why not? The instructions are poster below the video as a response. And for those who are wondering: I did NOT copy the zapper from somewhere else. oh ya I allmost forgot...THE GAME! I made the zapper for the fun of it and I didnt kno that it would become this big so if you dont like the instructional videos on how to make it...screw...