INSTRUCTIONS Sorry about the flickering in parts of the video HOW TO CONNECT YOUR WII TO THE INTERNET 1) On the Wii Menu, click Wii Options in the bottom right. 2) Click on Wii Settings 3) Go one page right and click Internet 4) Click Connecton Settings 5) Click Connection 1 | None 6) Click Wireless Connection 7) Click Search for an Access Points 8) The screen will say Choose the access point you want to connect to. Click ok and choose your access point (most likely with the strongest signal) 9) Now, Input the password or ke...
This video shows you how to connect to thee internet with your nintento wii when you connection is thru a wireless air card. Im using Sprint 595U Air Card but any air card and any Wireless Internet connection Card should work this way. Works on Windows Vista and XP Sorry for taking so long. Please Subscribe = )...
In this video I will show you how to connect your Nintendo Wii to the internet so you can update your Wii System, access the Wii Shop Channel, be able to see you local weather or another countries weather in the weather channel, read the news on the news channel, play with other people online if you have wi-fi enabled games and much more....
Todays Gamers Video Update is a video review so here you go, PlatformNations official video review of Nykos Wii Wireless Sensor Bar. MSRP 19.99 Pluses + No wires + Has an auto-off feature + Rechargeable Minuses - Not really a necessity - Seems like 5 dollars too much nyko To subscribe: feeds.feedburner...
In this tutorial I show you how to Connect the wii to your internet connection And how to get 500 FREE WII POINTS through the connection ambassador promotion Connection Ambassador: wii.nintendolife CONNECTING TO WII Go to wii next page internet wireless find acess point choose your access point enter password test connection download updates Connection Ambassador 500 points Wii shop bottom left Connection ambassador Promotion Enter the number [2366 3200 6353 9929] back to wii menu bottom right button bottom le...