Link: buy Fight for the future of the galaxy with the Wii Clone Trooper Blaster! Specially designed for use with Star Wars The Clone Wars: Republic Heroes game, which shoots using the Z-button triggered by the Blaster!...
Lego Star Wars III: The Clone Wars is an upcoming Lego game for the PS3, PSP, Xbox 360, Wii, DS, and PC and 3DS consoles based on The Clone Wars animated series, developed by Travellers Tales and published by LucasArts and TT Games, due for release in March 2011 and is the latest game of the Lego Star Wars video game series. Lego Star Wars III will feature missions and characters from the Clone Wars television series, as well as favorite characters from the original Star Wars saga, in both single-player and multiplayer gamep...
Chapter 2 Shadow Of Malevolence. From what ive played from the demo, Lego star wars 3 is a great game and will definately be pre-ordering this game. This part of the Demo shows some of the games space combat. If you want to see me play through the full game when its released on March 25th then subscribe please....
Chapter 3 Destroy Malevolence Part 1. From what ive played from the demo, Lego star wars 3 is a great game and will definately be pre-ordering this game. This part of the Demo shows some of the games puzzle solving and lightsaber combat. If you want to see me play through the full game when its released on March 25th then subscribe please....
Chapter 3 Destroy Malevolence Part 2. From what ive played from the demo, Lego star wars 3 is a great game and will definately be pre-ordering this game. This part of the Demo shows some of the games puzzle solving and lightsaber combat. If you want to see me play through the full game when its released on March 25th then subscribe please....
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