Classic Game Room reviews WARRIORS: LEGENDS OF TROY for PS3 (Available only for Playstation in USA, on Xbox 360 in other regions). Its the Legend of Troy in videogame form as Greek Mythology meets the Dynasty Warriors series from Tecmo Koei in Warriors Legends of Troy for PS3. This CGR video review of Warriors Legends of Troy has gameplay from the Playstation 3 version of Warriors Legends of Troy on PS3 with Dynasty Warriors style gameplay....
Warriors: Legends of Troy Tokyo Game Show 2009 Trailer [HD] Developer: KOEI Canada Release: TBA Genre: Action/Adventure Platform: PS3/X360 Publisher: Koei Two armies will clash over the love of a single woman, the fates of these civilizations stand at the edge of blade. FOR MORE MACHINIMA GOTO: youtube...
E3 2010 Fact Sheet OVERVIEW In Warriors: Legends of Troy, two great armies clash not over home and country, but for the love of a single woman. The fates of these civilizations now stand upon the razors edge. 3000 years ago, a poet sang of heroes strong enough to stand alone against an army. For love, they sailed the world. For family, they made the greatest sacrifices. For honor, they stood and faced the will of gods, And fought a war which shook the earth. In the age when Zeus Almighty ruled over immortals and men, what be...
Warriors: Legends of Troy Review **This title was provided to me free of charge from the publisher to review for you. Developer: TECMO KOEI CANADA Inc. Publisher: TECMO KOEI America Corporation Platform: PS3 (US), PS3, Xbox 360 (UK, JP) Price: $59.99 Release Date: March 8, 2011 Games Similar: God of War III Want a FREE trial of Netflix courtesy of ZGR? wwwflix Follow me on Twitter: twitter Follow me on Facebook: facebook Review Video: youtube Write-Up, Screen-Shots, Game-Play Footage: ZeitgeistGameReview Gameplay Footage ...
Warriors: Legends Of Troy - Part 8 Memorabilia (Birmingham NEC) Saturday 20th November 2010 My final video of the Memorabilia event, and in style.. its Tecmo Koeis new game coming out on 25th February 2011, Warriors: Legends Of Troy. Thanks again guys, you rule. Starring Chin, Jaspreet and Will. :) Check out and join in with the Tecmo Koei Europe experience... youtube facebook facebook twitterTecmoKoeiEurope http --- tonyotimes Tonyo Times FACEBOOK GROUP http My eBook myebook MY BLOGS Facebook - facebook MySpace - myspace Li...
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