I decided today that instead of just playing mini games and collecting all of the golden crowns for fun as my usual Warioware: Touched routine, I would aim for the big objective, the one feat which is near impossible: getting the maximum score possible in the game, 999. After recording my run, there were a few moments of laughter and suspense, but I ended up reaching 999 points and mastering Warios fantastic DS game....
Trixfrost reviews WarioWare: Touched! for the Nintendo DS. All gameplay footage came from ign, and we do not own any of this footage. The intro music is from Legend of Zelda created by Nintendo. WarioWare: Touched! was created by Nintendo...
welcome to my lets play of buy buy warioware touched. I recorded 25 minuts for this 2.34 :) warioWare DIY is released but I am going to play the first game of the series on the DS. I had this game on my ds and it was awesome!...
A USA commercial by Nintendo, to promote Wario Ware Touched - one of the launchgames for the Nintendo DS, way back. A great game, but if you have the choice: take Wario Ware Twisted for the GBA. Whole new levels of awesomeness compared to this game, though its also great....