# Eco-Friendly Gaming Trash Panics eco-conscious theme provides a new take on gaming while making players more aware of environmentally friendly ways to dispose waste. # Accessible Controls Using the DualShock3 controller, Trash Panics pick-up-and-play controls allow for immediate fun for hours for both casual and hard-core gamers. # Addictive Gameplay The unique setting and strategic game objective allows for endless hours and addictive gameplay, as well as competition in a social setting. # YouTube Upload Feature With a re...
Showing in game of TRASH PANIC. Its an ECO EGO WORLD! (Note) Since putting this video on YOUTUBE i have found out what to do which involves smashing the items onto each other to create more room. I also found out what things i have to protect and that i can force the lid on if needed....
This is my cousin playing the **demo** of trash panic deals deals on the ps3 please rate comment subscribe is is sumthin like £3.49 on the playstation store for the full game download the demo for free on it too. On the demo you have a 3 minute time limit so good luck and enjoy....
Playing Trash Panic on Sweets mode. Im still pretty noobish at this game, but I think Im picking it up. I love the huge explosion with the large gas tank at 5:18. The background music for this stage is awesome. Causing much mayhem, dropping drama!...
Before you leave any comments, I would like to point out that I only download GAME-RELATED DYNAMIC THEMES. This video showcases at least 30 seconds of each theme. As for the quality, anyone have a Hauppaudge HD PVR theyre giving away for free? If not, then I wont be able to broadcast in HD for quite a while. Hopefully, Ill make enough money between this video and the next one. Themes, in order: 1. Flower Dynamic Theme 2. Sony Make Believe Theme 3. Trash Panic Dynamic Theme 4. White Knight Chronicles Dynamic Theme 5. MAG Valo...