The third installment of The Mummy series will centre on the adventures of popular characters Rick and Evy ODonnell and their now grown son Alex. In addition, the film will introduce an all new Mummy! The game will feature hand-to-hand and weapons based combat, magic, puzzle solving and hieroglyphic decoding. The action will take place in the exotic locations of China, India, Egypt and London...
What do you think? My New Review System:Scum= 0-3.9 Peasant= 4-6.9 Middle Class= 7-8.5 Thane= 8.6-9.5 Royalty= 9.6-9.9 God= 10 All of these besides God have a low and high version also. Example (Low Thane would be a 8.8 and a high Thane would be a 9.5) Final Tally: (Low) Peasant...
Guess what Ive found! A Nintendo DS in a showbag!!! Oh Crap! Its a fake! Mummy Mummy! This isnt right! I indroduce you to the Neo Double Games system which is a lame attempt at copying the Nintendo DS. Watch as I show you its amazing games and capabilities . . . Read this its funny as!!! I copied the instructions that came with the console exactly! Its funny! THE INSTRUCTIONS SAY: Starting: 1) Make sure the unit is power off. 2)Each unit can carry LCD games .Plug the LCD game into the upper cabinet for playing or the lower c...
Besides from making videos like In My Mind and watching TV I collect mystery games so far I have 40 and I thought it would be fun to make a top 10 list of my personal favorite Mystery Games. LIST OF ALL THE GAMES I HAVE: Nancy Drew #1 Secrets Can Kill #2 Stay Tuned for Danger #3 Message in a Haunted Mansion #4 Treasure in the Royal Tower #5 The Final Scene #6 Secret of the Scarlet Hand #7 Ghost Dogs of Moon Lake #8 The Haunted Carousel #9 Danger on Deception Island #10 The Secret of Shadow Ranch #11 Curse of Blackmoor Manor ...
I have about 73 1st Edition Cards and 3 limited edition cards, i also have about 200-300 other common cards for sale. Games i have Two Gamboy advanced games for sale One is a Classic Nes Series The Legend of Zelda, The other is Classic Nes Series Castlevania Game, the DS games are Transformers Autobots/Decepticons, Pokemon Ranger, The Mummy, Need For speed most wanted, Snoop 2, and ben ten. If you wish to meet me on my facebook add me Sebastian Whitehead, I will Mail the Cards to you leave me info (in my inbox if you dont wa...
Buy other Cheap the mummy tomb of the dragon emperor on Sale for NDS