this is our 6 yr old, nathan howard s xbox 360 super fast game review april 2009 the following games are reviewed ; transformers,tmnt,spider man,star wars complete saga,madagascar 2,bolt,lips,banjo kazooie nuts & bolts,star wars force unleashed,kung fu panda,lego indianna jones,grand theft auto 4,gears of war 2,resident evil5,sonic the hedgehog,stranglehold,simpsons game,golden compass,bioshock,sonic unleashed.mass effect,saint row 2,fall out 3,assasins creed,splinter cell, if you want you xbox 360 flashed or repaired then m...
NOTE: This achievement is way easier just by beating 3 of your friends scores on the leaderboard. To obtain this the way intended. You have to collect all the compasses to guide your caravan through the desert. First you have to get the five (5) open compass ramps (which are illuminated by a flashing compass with a red and blue direction arrow and camel in the center). The first five compasses dont require in order to be completed. There are compasses going through each side of the wrap around the table on the left and right...
I cant believe I actually got this far without getting lost. Its funny because I always do. Basically were just finding the Sgil key to close the gate and then the compass should guide you to the Sigil keep....
Enjoyed the video?...If you did, Then remember to Like, Favorite & Subscribe ;) Part Seven of my Honest Hearts Playthrough Info on Honest Hearts -- fallout.wikia ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Follow me on twitter - twitter My Website - bug-guts-studios-ent.webs My tumblr Blog - jamesgames360.tumblr ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬...
Programs needed: HxD hex editor, Modio, Usb Xtaf Xplorer. For the first part: Stand directly under the lamp in the abandoned mine. Look West, and make sure the W is in the middle on your compass. In HxD search for 3D5C0100, and make sure you search in Hex Values. Replace 3D5C0100 with 92 DB 03 00 Once thats done just open up modio, and rehash and resign Then put the save in back into Usb Xplorer. I do not take any responsibility if you screw up and get a corrupted gamesave, to fix the problem, ALWAYS MAKE A BACKUP...
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