This is a complete review for The Godfather Blackhand edition for the Wii, & let me tell you this review is pretty much dead on. I bought the game not too long ago so I can vouch for it being a decent title, but its very similar to GTA (but with a good Story). If you have a Wii & you need a good game to play look no further.... (I like it any way) ~Lecto-Sama ^^ youtube youtube youtube...
Hey Guys! Its Finally Here! My Next Lets Play! The Godfather Blackhand Edition! this is just the introduction and shows some controls Sorry about the sound. please answer me this, would you rather have good sound and no commentary or commentary and no sound? Please answer me before i continue this fully. remember to comment, rate and subscribe. add me as a friend on facebook: facebook become a fan of bloodocean07 on facebook: facebook...
After getting some orders from Tom Hagen, Rocco Lampone and I sneak inside Jack Woltzs mansion and head to the stable no commentary here because the game sound wasnt audible, so i just added the main theme to the godfather. add me on facebook: facebook become a fan of bloodocean07: facebook...
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I am promoted to Don of the Corleone Family and then Don of New York City Thank yall for watching, commenting, and subscribing. This is the last video of Godfather. Another LP complete. Yall rock! Stay subscribed for more Mario 64 and Majoras Mask will be next after that in October. I will release it early on the Latest In youtube channel so go subscribe to Latest In to see that when it comes out. Check out Latest In for daily updates on all gaming and tech news: LatestIn Follow Latest In on twitter: twitter Check out our St...
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