The Cursed Crusade Debut Trailer [HD] Developer: Kylotonn Entertainment Release: Summer 2011Genre: Action/Adventure Platform: PS3/X360/PC Publisher: Atlus Website: thecursedcrusade Set against the backdrop of the Old World, two adventurers--both seasoned warriors--will quest across a Western Europe ablaze with the turmoil of a newly begun Fourth Crusade. Denz, a holy Templar, and Esteban, a roguish mercenary, may have different origins, but their motivations are the same: amidst the danger and despair of a new Crusade, to fi...
As man is easily led astray, one crusade may eventually become another... Set against the backdrop of the Old World, two adventurers--both seasoned warriors--will quest across a Western Europe ablaze with the turmoil of a newly begun Fourth Crusade. Denz, a holy Templar, and Esteban, a roguish mercenary, may have different origins, but their motivations are the same: amidst the danger and despair of a new Crusade, to find the means to deliver themselves from a terrible curse that threatens to consume their immortal souls. Em...
Click Here to Watch The Cursed Crusade Debut Trailer: youtube The Cursed Crusade Ambitions Trailer [HD] Developer: Kylotonn Entertainment Release: Summer 2011 Genre: Action/Adventure Platform: PS3/X360/PC Publisher: Atlus Website: thecursedcrusade Set against the backdrop of the Old World, two adventurers--both seasoned warriors--will quest across a Western Europe ablaze with the turmoil of a newly begun Fourth Crusade. Denz, a holy Templar, and Esteban, a roguish mercenary, may have different origins, but their motivations ...
budurl For more of the latest game trailers, go to: budurl The Cursed Crusade Debut Trailer [HD] Developer: Kylotonn Entertainment Release: Summer 2011 Genre: Action/Adventure Platform: PS3/X360/PC Publisher: Atlus Set against the backdrop of the Old World, two adventurers--both seasoned warriors--will quest across a Western Europe ablaze with the turmoil of a newly begun Fourth Crusade. Denz, a holy Templar, and Esteban, a roguish mercenary, may have different origins, but their motivations are the same: amidst the danger a...
The Cursed Crusade Launch Trailer [HD] Developer: Kylotonn Entertainment Release: Summer 2011Genre: Action/Adventure Platform: PS3/X360/PC Publisher: Atlus Website: thecursedcrusade Set against the backdrop of the Old World, two adventurers--both seasoned warriors--will quest across a Western Europe ablaze with the turmoil of a newly begun Fourth Crusade. Denz, a holy Templar, and Esteban, a roguish mercenary, may have different origins, but their motivations are the same: amidst the danger and despair of a new Crusade, to f...
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