The game is set in fictional dystopian city Rapture in alternative history 1970, a decade after the events of BioShock. The protagonist and player-controlled character is a Big Daddy, a being that has had its organs and skin grafted into an atmospheric diving suit. Among the first of its kind, the player-controlled Big Daddy reactivates with no recollection of the past decades events, and scours the city in a vain attempt to relocate the Little Sister that he was paired with. When it becomes obvious that Raptures leader Sofi...
The game is set in fictional dystopian city Rapture in alternative history 1970, a decade after the events of BioShock. The protagonist and player-controlled character is a Big Daddy, a being that has had its organs and skin grafted into an atmospheric diving suit. Among the first of its kind, the player-controlled Big Daddy reactivates with no recollection of the past decades events, and scours the city in a vain attempt to relocate the Little Sister that he was paired with. When it becomes obvious that Raptures leader Sofi...
This is a very intense video from Bioshock 2 (PC), by 2K Games, where you, a Big Daddy, take on the Big Sister that you lost to and caught glimpses of earlier in the game (according to the storyline). Ultimately, I get owned in this video because of the number of health packs / Eve packs and the lack of ammunition that I had at the beginning of the fight, but it still makes for a great video to watch. The fight lasts for a while and is the second time I played against the Big Sister, the first time around, I actually did muc...
The game is set in fictional dystopian city Rapture in alternative history 1970, a decade after the events of BioShock. The protagonist and player-controlled character is a Big Daddy, a being that has had its organs and skin grafted into an atmospheric diving suit. Among the first of its kind, the player-controlled Big Daddy reactivates with no recollection of the past decades events, and scours the city in a vain attempt to relocate the Little Sister that he was paired with. When it becomes obvious that Raptures leader Sofi...
The game is set in fictional dystopian city Rapture in alternative history 1970, a decade after the events of BioShock. The protagonist and player-controlled character is a Big Daddy, a being that has had its organs and skin grafted into an atmospheric diving suit. Among the first of its kind, the player-controlled Big Daddy reactivates with no recollection of the past decades events, and scours the city in a vain attempt to relocate the Little Sister that he was paired with. When it becomes obvious that Raptures leader Sofi...