Super Robot Taisen OG Saga: Endless Frontier is a unique sci-fi/fantasy RPG that takes players across a variety of worlds, ranging from an apocalyptic wasteland covered with the hulks of downed spaceships to a fantastical place of fairy tales and dark magic. Join Haken Browning: gunslinger, professional bounty hunter, and amateur ladies man, along with his motley crew of robots, were-beasts, secret agents, and busty princesses as they delve deep into the mysteries of how their worlds came to be and face a threat that imperil...
Classic Game Room HD reviews SUPER TAISEN ROBOT OG SAGA ENDLESS FRONTIER for the Nintendo DS from Banpresto, published by Atlus. This Japanese anime style RPG adventure game for the Nintendo DS is well produced and packs hours and days and weeks of gameplay into the small DS cart. Take control of a party of adventurers, most of whom are busty, hot anime chicks with colored hair and guns.... the usual. A complex fighting system, random enemy encounters and cool animation make the game worth your while if youre into this kind ...
Banpresto is currently making a sequel to Endless Frontier with 2 new characters. The elf-maid is known as Neige Hausen who is actually 117 years old and she is voiced by Nana Mizuki (who voiced Hinata from Naruto, Fate from Nanoha). While the Folka look-alike is known as Aledy Nahash and he is voiced by the legendary Tomokazu Seki (who voiced Domon of G Gundam, Yzak of Gundam Seed, Sousuke of Fullmetal Panic) The two robots are Rasatsuki Arkon and Youseiki Feicried. Neiges default bgm is a remixed Fairy Dancing while Aledys...
A fighting machine from Earths distant future, KOS-MOS was in stasis when she somehow appeared in the Endless Frontier. The appearance of Reiji and Xiaomu, who she had met previously during the massive Flux wars, convinced her to accompany them in their quest to find some way of returning to Earth. Being a fully-functional combat android, KOS-MOS possesses long-distance guns, close-range blades, and a variety of special attacks. Available April 2009. For more information, visit: atlus...
The trailer for the sequel to Super Robot Taisen OG Saga: Endless Frontier stated to be released on February 25th, 2010 across Japan for the Nintendo DS. The cast from the first game returns with two new characters shown in the trailer, Alady Naash and Neige Hausen, as well as new mechas. The cast from the previous game also returns with a handful of new skills to use in battle. There some changes in the gameplay from what is seen in other videos of the game, and the battle animations have been improved over the first to mak...
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