Classic Game Room reviews the PS3 MOVE starter pack-in game SPORTS CHAMPIONS for Playstation 3 which works exclusively with the PS Move accessory for motion control action on the PS3 Playstation 3. Sports Champions is a collection of 6 motion controller sports games for PS3 including disc golf, bocce ball, volleyball, archery, gladiator duel and table tennis (aka ping pong)....
Details: booyagadget Bocce has turned out to be one of our favorite games in Sports Champions for the Playstation Move. It is easy, simple and fast. A great demo if you wanted to show someone the Move for the first time. It takes 2-3 games to get the hang of it, but learning is swift. If you think the game is to plain, then make sure to utilize the Custom Music option in the settings and Jam to your favorite beats. Although if youre playing this game with friends, then music may not be necessary, unless you turn it into a dr...
Archery is a solid move flagship game. It takes one major knock: no online multiplayer, that is weak sauce. The game is easy to learn, and best to walk through the tutorial to learn the controls. Two controllers is more fun, but you can definitely still play if you dont have a second controller yet. I would like to beat the game in both archery and volleyball, so Sports Champions will get some action over time. Here is our Move blog page: booyagadget Here are all of our Playstation Move Videos: youtube...
Details at the blog: Disc Golf aka frisbee golf is badass. Heres the deal, if you suck at throwing a frisbee, then youll struggle at PS3 Move Sports Champions by Zindagi games. Dont worry, I suck too ! Man, if you can throw a frisbee, or have played Frisbee golf, then I bet you are in heaven, just like I am on Ping Pong Sports Champs. All our Youtube PS3 Move Vids: An amazing collection: youtube All our PS3 Move detailed articles with pics and video at the blog: booyagadget It takes 2-3 games to get the hang of it, but...
Here in Europe, Playstation Move Starter Pack includes Motion Controller, demodisc and Playstation Eye -camera. I also bought other motion controller, two Navi-controllers and the game, Sports Champions....