Title: Space Siege Platforms: PC DVD-ROM ESRB: Rating Pending Genre: Action-RPG Players: Single-Player and 1-4 Multiplayer Co-op Ship date: 2008 A game of tactics, combat-heavy action, and decision making, Space Siege is an all-new science fiction themed action-RPG being developed by Chris Taylor and Gas Powered Games, the creators of Dungeon Siege I & II and Supreme Commander. During a massive alien attack on Earth, five colony ships attempt to evacuate as many people as possible. Only one of the five colony ships, the Arms...
Space Siege : First moments in the action-rpg by Chris Taylor in Full HD! On the one hand a really stupid game, but on the other hand its incredible funny :D. Further parts will come soon - so subscribe! Check out my channel for more gameplay footage: youtube...
hey everybody, this is a trailer for a new sci-fi rpg thats supposed to be coming out for the computer, i always put pc though, not to insult you ac owners, pcs just seem to be better for it. it looks pretty crazy, i think ill try it out....
Space Siege trailer. PC. SPACE SIEGE™ The survival of the human race lies entirely in your hands in Space Siege, a brand-new action-RPG from Chris Taylor, the creator of the award-winning Dungeon Siege games. Space Siege puts you in the shoes of Seth Walker, a crew member on the Armstrong - the only colony ship to survive a massive alien attack upon Earth. As the aliens descend upon the Armstrong, Walker must fend off the extraterrestrial threat using his wits and weapons. To help his cause, he can choose to augment his bo...
gameanyone A game of tactics, combat-heavy action, and decision making, Space Siege is an all-new science fiction themed action-RPG being developed by Chris Taylor and Gas Powered Games, the creators of Dungeon Siege I & II and Supreme Commander. During a massive alien attack on Earth, five colony ships attempt to evacuate as many people as possible. Only one of the five colony ships, the Armstrong, escapes intact before Earth is completely obliterated by the aliens. In Space Siege, you take on the role of Seth Walker, a com...
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