Released in Japan last October, Solatorobo (literally translated sky and robot) takes place in the Shepherd Republic, a series of floating islands that are populated by two distinct races of anthropomorphic dog- and cat-people. While very human-like in their nature, both of these races have evolved to use specially-built robot mechs (or Robos) in their everyday lives. In the game, players follow the story of the dog-like Red Savarin, a young adventurer and hunter who has set off with his Robo companion Dahak on a quest to re...
Solatorobo for DS is a 3D action RPG from CyberConnect2, revolving around the floating island of Shepherd Republic where two races of cats and dogs live and use robots to do odd jobs. For more Nintendo Wii, 3DS and DS coverage visit cubed3 PLAY WITH US cubed3 http twitter youtube...
Yes, yes, I know this is the third time in a row I started a new LP without finishing the last one. Hopefully Ive got this recording thing down to a science now so that any unforseen problems wont arise....
A game that takes place in the same world ( I think) as Tail concerto. I dunno since I stopped where it stops the video. This is mostly an introduction video about what buttons do what and so on tutorial in other words...
{READ DESCRIPTION!} [WARNING: MAY CONTAIN SPOILERS!] Visit my websites: emirutheknight emirutheknight.wordpress Thumbs up, favorite and comment if you like the video! :3 Solatorobo: Red The Hunter [Part 1 - Prologue] -------------------------------------------- Played by EmiruTheKnight First Playthrough System: NDS/NDSi Resolution: 640x480 (480p), 16:9 aspect ratio...
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