Life 2.0. What will interactive electronic media mean for personal identity and society over the next hundred years? The latest electronic media are at once domestic, mobile and work-related, blurring the boundaries between these spaces, and video games are at their forefront, both in terms of the time users lavish on them and their ceaseless technological innovation. A generational rift has opened that is in many ways more profound than the equivalent shifts associated with radio or television: more alienating for those unf...
Part of the 2011 GSB Entrepreneurship Conference. Today, we spend over three billion hours a week playing online games. Games are engaging; they provide us with a sense of satisfaction and a chance to be part of something bigger than ourselves. What would happen if we applied these same dynamics to real world challenges? Learn how game thinking can be used to engage and empower participants to solve large-scale business, social, and educational challenges. Chapters 1. Introduction: Gaming For the Greater Good youtube 2. Moll...