If you have played this on pc and liked it then I would recommend this because they havnt changed much. If you havnt played this then I should tell you that this is a great game. The idea is that you have a main quests to find the man who captured your family and get rvenge. How you go about these quests are totally up to you. There area also sidequests such as finding your family, finding hidden treasure, defeating known pirates, capturing criminals, finding hidden cites, wooing women (hence the dacning).As it is a time of ...
Classic Game Room presents a CGR Undertow Nintendo Wii review of SID MEIERs PIRATES!. Sid Meiers Pirates! was released on September 28, 2010 from 2K Games. This CGR Undertow video game review features Sid Meiers Pirates! video gameplay footage and commentary from Classic Game Rooms Derek....
youtube for high quality. Me fighting a Ship of the Line using a Royal Sloop. The Ship of the Line is nearly fully upgraded so it can be a challenging match. My Royal Sloop is fully upgraded: Copper plating - tighter turning. Cotton sails - more speed. Triple hammocks - 50%......
This is the PC version hes referring to. I havent played the XBOX or PSP versions, although I must admit that the XBOX version does look good. Anyway, I must also let you know that I havent played a Sid Meier game since Civilisation III, which I was never very good at, so it quietly slunk off to die. So it must be a shock when I found that this was one of the best PC games I ever played to date!...
Part three of my LP of Sid Meiers Pirates! Wow, I suck lol. For those that are wondering why im so quite its because It was around about 12:00am when I did this way to late for me (FUN FACT!: Did not go to bed untill 4 am due to rendering the clips and uploading!) The game Sid Meiers Pirates is Devolopt by: Firaxis Games and Full Fat(psp) the game Publishers include (2K games, Valve(steam) and Atari) not me!...
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