We finds a Man Hidden in a Statue and we Turn Down Max Gruber`s Music Down.. Soo we can talk too him But he havn`t Anything news too tell Nina.. We also meet Frankenstein just kidding but he looks like him.. We meet the Police Constabel....
Soo We got Attacked by a stranger... That was pretty mean.. But anyway there is part where it can get a little confusing because i had to redo everything because a Fuse in my Apartment was cut off just like in the game.. Kind of creepy though but anyway here is Part 3 of Tunguska.....
This is my Geheimakte Tunguska Review. STORY: You play as Nina Kalenkow and your father gets kidnapped. So you have to find him. Enjoy and please subscribe. Story:9 Graphics: 7 Gameplay:7.5 Sound:8.5 Great! Controles: 7 Enjoyement: 8.5 Great! My Final Score: 7.5...
We gets a Key that is Hidden in a Fish Tank home and we open the secret Chest in The Book that we found in the Drawer.. We also visit Oleg`s House and he says he dosn`t know Nina`s Father soo we have too find away too find out if he is telling ous the truth.....
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