Rune Factory is spin-off of the Harvest Moon series, part of a re-invention of the franchise for its 10th anniversary. Described by producer Yoshifumi Hashimoto as Harvest Moon where you wield a sword, the game has being developed with the idea of creating a fantasy world in which the player exists, rather than the standard type of RPG where you play the role of a hero and work your way through a storyline. You are able to capture monsters, raise them on your farm, and add them to your adventuring party....
Infinite HP da000000 02150bc2 d7000000 02150bc0 d2000000 00000000 Infinite RP da000000 02150bc6 d7000000 02150bc4 d2000000 00000000 Max / Infinite HP 02150bc0 03e703e7 Max / Infinite RP 02150bc4 c350c350 Max / Infinite Gold 02150bb8 3b9ac9ff Max / Infinite Lumber 12150bd8......
Well.. these were 43 minutes of real-life playing... You know, a normal day in Rune Factory: magical Harvest Moon idunnowhat.. NO$GBA + CamStudio. Part of a marathon, its Spring 3 (yes, you know, 3rd day), and Ive finalized tilling the field!, defeated the boss... cool!, just 3 days!.. and.. well, thats it I think... uhm.. I got pretty beated down by these bees, huh?, it seems axes are too slow for them xD. video & sound are about 8x, and emu was 2x so... around 16x ^^ After watching this you have no excuses... go and play R...
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