Hello, and Welcome to another sneak peek into PlayStation 3 Exclusives. This time we take a look at the game that everyone wanted when the system first launched in November of 2006, Resistance: Fall of Man! The enemies are known as Chimera, and alien race that has come back to earth to claim it as their own and you play as Nathan Hale, a lone soldier that must stop them from invading all of Europe with the help of only a handful of people. Think you can stop the invasion before its too late? This great game is made by the ta...
I just got Resistance 2 for my PS3 today. It is now a greatest hits so it was only $30 down at my local walmart. I got the original resistance with my system at the end of 2006 when it first launched. I was very impressed with the first one but with all the games i have I could wait to get these games when they become greatest hits. I have several games I am currently involved with on PC. I actually just had an opening to grab this one for the PS3. If you are not familar with this title then please watch as we go through thi...
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Insomniacs latest PS3 exclusive hits hard to the fanbase at home - but is kicking alien ass worth your time in this acclaimed sequel? THIS GAME RATED M FOR MATURE BY ESRB--- ONLINE INTERACTIONS NOT RATED BY ESRB Directed and Edited by Rob Barton Written by Ethan Hendrick Performed by Amos McCandless Video footage within this review that originates in the game being featured was used in a completely educational way with the journalistic intentions of improving public knowledge and awareness of the game featured. We make no pr...
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