Unboxing Record of Agarest War - The Really Naughty Limited Edition Couple of corrections, I missed the entire last generation I know I said Gamecube and PS2 but that includes Xbox but since there isnt a good backwards compatibility with a 360 I kind of threw the towel in on the original xbox. Also the reason most of my kitchen stuff is on the floor to the left is that the previous night while playing Monster Hunter Tri I left the water on and it literally flooded my entire counter top and needed to move things off of it fas...
Along with games like DeathSmiles and Cho Aniki Zero, Akysys Games is betting on some pretty dubious releases... The censorship in this trailer is pretty unnecessary, as it implies nudity though there is none... Most surprising of all is the fact that this game got a TEEN RATING! Either the ESRB is slipping, or they just started thinking straight. Because according to them, sex and relationships between men and women are more dangerous than murder. Morality just went down the toilet......
Here are some of the JRPGs coming to North America in 2011. I know I may have missed some and I dont have any DS or Wii titles so if you can let me know Ill add them here. Missed Titles The Last Story (Wii) Xenoblade (Wii) Record of Agarest Zero (PS3, 360) Radiant Historia (DS) Enjoy! And rate, comment and sub ;)...
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