In the midst of an unending war for dominance between two super-powers, Special Intelligence Agent Stocke is assigned to a routine escort mission that goes horribly awry. However, wielding a mysterious book called the White Chronicle, Stocke discovers a way to travel to the intersection of time itself: Historia. With this power in his hands, he must travel back and forth through key events and an entirely alternate timeline to right the worlds ill-fated course. The lives of his companions, the fate of nations, and the resolu...
Classic Game Room reviews RADIANT HISTORIA for Nintendo DS published by Atlus USA. Radiant Historia (or Radient Historia for a mis-spell) on Nintendo DS is a massive JRPG on DS that packs hours of turn-based strategy battles and time travelling storytelling. This CGR review of Radiant Historia has Radiant Historia Nintendo DS gameplay in this Radiant Historia video review on YouTube....
Click Here to Watch the Radiant Historia Debut Trailer: youtube Radiant Historia Walkthrough Developer: Atlus Release: 2/22/2011 Genre: RPG Platform: DS Publisher: Atlus In the midst of an unending war for dominance between two super-powers, Special Intelligence Agent Stocke is assigned to a routine escort mission that goes horribly awry. However, wielding a mysterious book called the White Chronicle, Stocke discovers a way to travel to the intersection of time itself: Historia. With this power in his hands, he must travel b...
Check out this gameplay from the Nintendo DS RPG Radiant Historia. Help the hero save the world, one chicken monster battle at a time. IGNs YouTube is just a taste of our content. Get more: ign Want this weeks top videos? Sign up go.ign...
Hey everyone. Here is my review for radiant historia cheap cheap for the Nintendo ds. This is one of the best games I have played on the Ds. Amazing Rpg. Watch my full review, and make sure you guys pick this game up!! Whether you are waiting for 3ds games or ps3 games or not! This game is one of the best. Thanks for watching and tell me what you think of this review, and what your impressions are of the game etc....