Classic Game Room reviews a PEGGLE COFFEE MUG & TASTYKAKES while performing the exciting task of computer hard drive maintenance. See an amazing Peggle coffee mug from PopCap Games that holds coffee firmly in place for human beings to drink. Also marvel at the Tastykake Chocolate Junior which is the Lord Karnage approved breakfast of Universe Destroyers. This coffee mug is perfect for playing videogames like Peggle or Bejeweled and can also hold things like water, tea or liquid napalm. So grab your Tastykake snack treat and ...
Classic Game Room HD reviews PEGGLE for XBLA and Xbox 360. This AWESOME game is Plinko meets Pinball meets Blade Runner (watch review to see why). Crush your enemies with Peggle mastery in this amazing old school style arcade game from the fun-masters at Pop Cap. Peggle should appeal to those gamers who love puzzle games and those fun arcade style games on the Atari 2600 and NES. This HD review of PEGGLE has gameplay footage from Peggle on XBLA and Xbox 360, available in the Pop Cap Arcade Volume 2 disc. One or two player ac...
Classic Game Room HD reviews YARS REVENGE for the Nintendo DS / Gameboy Advance. Its Yars Revenge on the GO! Word! Blast the Quotile with your mighty Zorlon cannon in office meetings, the dentist office, in gym class and when scuba diving. This awesome game pack for GBA, which works on Nintendo DS, can be had in bargain bins now for less than a footlong sub. And just like subs can pack three kinds of meat, this game packs three video games in one! PONG, ASTEROIDS and YARS REVENGE!!! Sadly is does not come with the excellent ...
Classic Game Room HD reviews ZUMA for Xbox 360 Xbox Live Arcade XBLA. Zuma, from PopCap, is a fast paced, frantic puzzle game that should appeal to Pop Cap fans and those who enjoy Peggle, Bejeweled and other puzzle games. This CGRHD review of ZUMA features gameplay footage from Zuma on XBLA for Xbox 360 in high definition. Shoot colored balls into rows of colored balls before your frog is incinerated. Earn points, combos and achievement points in Zuma. An extremely fun and addictive video game that will test your concentrat...
Hi everyone. This is the last video in the series. I know I said it would be a 5 poart series, but I thought I would just stop it now. Hope you all enjoy the video. Thanks for the comments, and thanks for subscribing....
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