Okamiden Captivate 2010 Trailer [HD] Developer: Capcom Release: 2011 Genre: Action/Adventure Platform: DS Publisher: Capcom Ōkamiden is a picturesque action adventure game for the Nintendo DS. Taking place a few months after the events of Ōkami, Ōkamiden will follow the adventures of Chibiterasu a young sun god who is summoned to protect the land. Following in the footsteps of its parent Amaterasu, the sun-god-turned-wolf in Ōkami, Chibiterasu takes the form of an adorable wolf pup for the mission ahead. Chibiterasu will...
Gophn E3 2010 Coverage - Day 2 - Capcom booth Okami Den (for the DS) is the sequel to the highly rated Okami (for both the PS2 and Wii). If you havent played the first one yet, I would recommend to try it out because you are missing out. What you will see: - E3 2010 trailer / video - sneaked footage of the gameplay - the instructions sign that shows how to beat the demo (better check this out in 720p) FYI, we will have more footage and pics of the booth and of Okami Den... so look for other videos or go to Gophn More to come...
whatttttttsssss up guys i want you guys to check out this game review that i bring to you guys. The Okamiden ds game review allll i have to say guys is this game is funnnn so go and check it out.............................................................................
first trailer Okamiden for the Nintendo DS from the press release Ōkamiden is a picturesque action adventure game for the Nintendo DS. Taking place a few months after the events of Ōkami, Ōkamiden will follow the adventures of Chibiterasu -- a young sun god who is summoned to protect the land. Following in the paw prints of its parent Amaterasu, the sun-god-turned-wolf in Ōkami, Chibiterasu takes the form of an adorable wolf pup for the mission ahead. Chibiterasu will join forces with a rich cast of characters to fight o...
A gorgeous new trailer for the DS sequel to Okami (PS2 and Wii). Very Zelda like, with cel shaded graphics and a full 3D world. This is coming sometime in 2010, although no date has been announced and its very early in development. This footage was take at Tokyo Game Show 2009 (today as of the upload date in fact) NOT BY ME. Dont ask, I dont have the game. At the date of this video, there is no playable version of it....