The sequel to Obscure takes place two years after the gruesome events of the first game. The survivors have gone on to college and try to return to their normal lives. After the discovery of a beautiful but strange plant on school campus, events take a turn for the worse. Soon, the college students have to battle for survival once again. Players of Obscure The Aftermath can choose their character and one AI controlled sidekick. In total there are six playable characters, each with their own unique abilities. These can be swi...
PART TWO PEOPLE!! Welcome to 100 wii games in 10 minutes, PART TWO!! I felt that there was so much games that the wii had to offer that I just had to do a sequel. Im a little skeptical of doing a threequel but, for now here is the sequel. About 65 Retail Games About 25 Wiiware And About 10 Virtual Console Games Part One - Some games that you think are missing might be in here! youtube Songs- DJ Ness - Rising of a Dream DJ B0UNC3 - Paradise on E Dj Splash - Party Time Games (Chronological) 1 Jungle Speed - 0:00 2 Final Fantas...
So Im going back to the PS2 =DI decided to upload this game cause umm idk its fun it has humor, horror, and a bimbo lol jk.. I havent played PS2 much lately so im very rusty on this game please excuse the mistakes =).. Well hope u guys like my Obscure: The Aftermath playthough.. Enjoy!!!...
The sequel to Obscure takes place two years after the gruesome events of the first game. The survivors have gone on to college and try to return to their normal lives. After the discovery of a beautiful but strange plant on school campus, events take a turn for the worse. Soon, the college students have to battle for survival once again. Players of Obscure The Aftermath can choose their character and one AI controlled sidekick. In total there are six playable characters, each with their own unique abilities. These can be swi...
Ch 5 Coreys Car (2of2) Shattered Dreams! Seriously lay off it people. You have not played it yet. Why bash it this early in dev? Sounds awesome and I hope for the best. Nothing will ever top sh3 but I always welcome a new entry to the series to try. Sh4 has been the only real let down for me so far. Share some opinions but keep the flame out! Thats a warning :)...
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