The sequel to Obscure takes place two years after the gruesome events of the first game. The survivors have gone on to college and try to return to their normal lives. After the discovery of a beautiful but strange plant on school campus, events take a turn for the worse. Soon, the college students have to battle for survival once again. Players of Obscure The Aftermath can choose their character and one AI controlled sidekick. In total there are six playable characters, each with their own unique abilities. These can be swi...
ObsCure II is a survival horror video game developed by Hydravision Entertainment and published by Playlogic Entertainment for Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 2 and Wii. It is the sequel to the 2004 video game ObsCure. The game was released on September 7, 2007 in Europe, and March 25, 2008 under the name ObsCure: The Aftermath in North America and June 12, 2008 in Australia. Later in 2009, Playlogic has announced a PSP version and it was released on September 29, 2009. Two years after the events of Obscure, the survivors hav...
The sequel to Obscure takes place two years after the gruesome events of the first game. The survivors have gone on to college and try to return to their normal lives. After the discovery of a beautiful but strange plant on school campus, events take a turn for the worse. Soon, the college students have to battle for survival once again. Players of Obscure The Aftermath can choose their character and one AI controlled sidekick. In total there are six playable characters, each with their own unique abilities. These can be swi...
ObsCure II is a survival horror game and is a sequel to the 2004 original by Hydravision and publisher Playlogic Entertainment, Inc for PlayStation 2, Wii and PC. The game was released on September the 7th in Europe. However, many retailers in the United Kingdom do not stock the game Two years after the events of ObsCure, the survivors have had to move on with their lives. Shannon and Kenny are now enrolled in the nearby Fallcreek University, while Stan is making ends meet as a pizza delivery boy. Stan and Kenny now have to ...
ObsCure II is a survival horror video game developed by Hydravision Entertainment and published by Playlogic Entertainment for Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 2 and Wii. It is the sequel to the 2004 video game ObsCure. The game was released on September 7, 2007 in Europe, and March 25, 2008 under the name ObsCure: The Aftermath in North America and June 12, 2008 in Australia. Later in 2009, Playlogic has announced a PSP version and it was released on September 29, 2009. Two years after the events of Obscure, the survivors hav...