In this adventure game directed by Goichi Suda (of Killer 7 fame), you play as Travis Touchdown, a normal guy (with an otaku geek streak to him) who wins a Beam Katana through an online auction and uses the weapon to start a new career as a professional killer. One day, an assassin named Helter Skelter appears before Travis and the two face off in a battle. Travis emerges victorious and finds himself in the presence of Silvia Christel, a mysterious French woman who claims to be an agent with the UAA. Silvia gives Travis offi...
this M rated game for the wii is about a man named travis touchdown trying to become the number 1 assasin after he meets a lady GET THIS GAME SUPPORT 3rd party titles on the wii and most important M rated games this game is going to be one the best games on the wii, from wikipedia is a video game directed by Goichi Suda (aka Suda 51), developed by Grasshopper Manufacture, and published by Marvelous Interactive Inc., Spike, Ubisoft and Rising Star Games for the Wii video game console. The game was previously titled Heroes.[2]...
youtube Click this to watch Army of Two: The 40th Day - In The Game! No More Heroes 2: In The Game (Gameplay Overview) S3E3 Goichi Suda looks to rise about his cult figure status with the release of the sequel to his hyper-violent, profane, otaku-influence slasher, No More Heroes 2: Desperate Struggle. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Follow Machinima on Twitter! Machinima twitter Inside Gaming twitter Machinima Respawn twitter Machinima Entertainment, Technology, Culture twitter FO...
*PLEASE READ THE VIDEO DESCRIPTION* 1) Yes, its an import (got it in May) 2) Yes, the PS3 version is censored and comes with the English voices (yay!) 3) Keep reading. So, months ago I was pretty excited about this port of the wii version to the 360 and PS3, then was dissapointed to hear they had no plans at all to bring it to America and since Im a NMH fanboy I just had to import it lol *Note: Scratch the last part, now Konami is bringing the game to America and Europe on 2011 :D Saddly I find myself with a poorly ported ga...
The launch trailer for No More Heroes 2: Desperate Struggle. Releases January 26th exclusively for the Nintendo Wii. Travis Touchdown is back with more bosses, more mini-games, and more allies than ever before in this bigger and better sequel to 2008s Game of the Year. Pre-order now to support Suda 51 and the developers....