Step into the dark and mysterious world of Ninja Blade, where gamers will be given the epic task to defend Tokyo and ultimately humanity itself from a horrific, genetically mutating disease. High atop the towering skyscrapers of modern-day Tokyo, Ken Ogawa and his team of skilled ninjas are deployed to destroy the infected monster horde and stem the spreading disease as humanity hangs in the balance. Matters quickly take a turn for the worse as Ken and his team are betrayed from within their own ranks. After narrowly escapin...
Ninja Blade is an action adventure game set within modern day Tokyo. Parasites known as alpha-worms have mysteriously appeared, unleashing a wave of human destruction as they rapidly spread east, reaching the shores of Tokyo. With the future of humankind hanging in the balance, an exclusive and elite team possessing highly specialized skills is formed to eliminate the enemy onslaught, and ultimately save mankind from complete obliteration. Unique ninja abilities: Use your Ninja Vision to detect and analyze potential enemy we...
Game Description There is not enough time left until the end of Tokyo. A few years ago, parasites codenamed «Alpha-worms» infested the Ground: Alpha site. All of the infected bodies were mutated into bloodthirsty monsters. It was so infectious that an entire infected area had to be sterilized once the infection expanded. The facts of the infection were hidden from the public to avoid potential unnecessary confusion. However, on August 12th 2015, another infection was detected in Tokyo, Japan. The infection spread instantly...
The Final Highlanders Further Thoughts Blog: thefinalhighlander.blogspot Wedotech: My Empire Total War Review: My Soldier of Fortune Review: My Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull Review: Recommended YouTuber: Subscriber to her because shes yummy: youtube ....
Ninja Blade [2009] A very entertaining Game. It has decent Graphcis and the Gameplay is very smooth. I love the Ninja moves. If you played Games like Devil May Cry or God of War you will enjoy this game too! I think its pretty Cool!Rating: 8/10 ======================== Specs Processor: AMD 64 x2 4800 /2.5 Ghz Memory: 2048 MB Ram Motherboard : Gigabyte GA-M56S-S3 Graphic Card: Nvidia Geforce 8800GT 512 MB HDD: 120GB SATA 400 GB Maxtor Sound Card: Onboard 5.1 Monitor : 22 LG Flatron L227WTP Case : Raidmax Ninja Case(Neon) Oper...