RIDGE RACER Unbounded brings an unexpected dimension to the series, delivering an original blast of ferocious racing adrenaline. Join the Unbounded street racing gang, lead by Kara Shindo, and test your driving skills against rivals in every street and alley of Shatter Bay. Prove your worth, get respect and expand your turf. Ridge Racer Unbounded is going to be available on 2012. Join the ridge Racer community on facebook or visit namcobandaigames.eu for more information....
Ridge Racer is on its way back into the eager hands of gamers. Ridge Racer™ Unbounded™ is coming to add an unexpected dimension to the series and deliver an original blast of ferocious racing adrenaline. Ridge Racer Unbounded is going to be available on 2012. Join the ridge Racer community on facebook or visit namcobandaigames.eu for more information....
Ridge Racer Unbounded, a racing game in the works at Bugbear Entertainment for PC, Xbox 360 and PS3. Ridge Racer Unbounded will launch in 2012. PRE-ORDER Ridge Racer Unbounded NOW: Coming Q1, 2012 Ridge Racer Unbounded - Cinematic Teaser Trailer #3 (2011) OFFICIAL FULL-HD Developer: Bugbear Entertainment Release Date: Q1, 2012 Genre: Racing Platform: Xbox 360, PS3, PC Publisher: Namco Bandai Games Website: namco ESRB: RP FOLLOW US @ Twitter ridge racer unbounded cinematic teaser trailer ridge racer unbounded official crash r...
RIDGE RACER Unbounded brings an unexpected dimension to the series, delivering an original blast of ferocious racing adrenaline. Join the Unbounded street racing gang, lead by Kara Shindo, and test your driving skills against rivals in every street and alley of Shatter Bay. Prove your worth, get respect and expand your turf. Ridge Racer Unbounded is going to be available on 2012. Join the ridge Racer community on facebook or visit namcobandaigames.eu for more information....
The announcement trailer for Bugbears Ridge Racer Unbounded. That honestly is what its named. PRE-ORDER Ridge Racer Unbounded NOW: Coming Q1, 2012 Ridge Racer Unbounded - First Look Debut Trailer | HD Developer: Bugbear Entertainment Release Date: Q1, 2012 Genre: Racing Platform: Xbox 360, PS3, PC Publisher: Namco Bandai Games Website: namco ESRB: RP FOLLOW US @ Twitter...
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