A fifty facts you DIDNT know about me video! 1) My favorite SERIES of all time is Pokemon, and by that it is also my favorite game in the RPG genre. 2) The first game I ever played was Flight Master 300 on the Sega Mega Drive. 3) My favorite gaming drink is Mountain Dew. Whos isnt? 4) On that, my actual real favorite drink is Coca-Cola. 5) I recieved a PS1 on the christmas of 97 and my first game was Crash Bandicoot 2. 6) I never owned a Game Boy Pocket, in fact my first Nintendo system was the Game Boy Color, yet I ironical...
I decided to make a 50 facts video about myself. Here are the facts in order: 1. My first two video games were Super Mario Sunshine and Scooby Doo: Night of 100 Frights 2. My favorite game series is Pokemon, but I have also been into Mario Party and Tony Hawk games. 3. I was once overweight, but not anymore. 4. I have ADHD and Aspergers Syndrome, along with a bad temper. 5. I get furious when anyone calls me gay, even my dad, for I am strictly straight. 6. When I was young, I always accidentally broke every umbrella I used. ...
THE AUDIOVISUAL ADDRESS OF THE ISRAELI PRIME MINISTER BENJAMIN NETANYAHU TO PROJECT HEART INCLUDES TRANSLATED CAPTIONS THAT CAN BE ACTIVATED BY CLICKING THE MENU BUTTON LOCATED ON THE BOTTOM RIGHT OF THE VIDEO PLAYER. Project HEART is a nonprofit initiative of the Jewish Agency for Israel (JAFI), funded by and in cooperation with the Government of Israel. Project HEART seeks to reach eligible persons, Jewish Holocaust victims and their heirs worldwide, who or whose families owned movable, immovable, or intangible personal pr...
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