Set in the Might and Magic universe, Might and Magic Clash of Heroes is the first-ever instalment developed for the Nintendo DSTM incorporating role-playing elements, adventure and an innovative combat system based on puzzle mechanics...
Classic Game Room HD reviews MIGHT and MAGIC CLASH OF HEROES for Nintendo DS published by Ubisoft. This turn based strategy game takes place in the Might and Magic universe (Lord of the Rings lite) and has you playing as various heroes in combat with forces against enemies! Think puzzle game meets turn based strategy game play. This CGR review of Might & Magic Clash of Heroes has gameplay from Nintendo DS showing split screen turn-based strategy video game play in HD action. Not a traditional adventure RPG game, this feels m...
One of the best Nintendo DS Games of 2009 comes to your console! Developed with improved graphics this HD version will for sure please the fans of the DS version and impress those that have yet to discover this great game from the Might&Magic Universe!...
A closer look at the artifacts and the units in combat. Might & Magic Clash of Heroes, a puzzle RPG developed by Capybara Games and set to be available for PS3 and Xbox 360 in April 2011. The game features five unique and epic quests where you will alternate exploration and turn-based puzzle battles in order save the world of Ashan from demonic chaos. DOWNLOAD the GAME on XBOX Marketplace: April 13, 2011. Might & Magic: Clash of Heroes - Advanced Tactics Walkthrough (2011) XBLA | HD Developer: Capybara Games Release Date: Ap...
Watach the Launch of Might & Magic Clash of Heroes, a puzzle RPG developed by Capybara Games and set to be available for PS3 and Xbox 360 in April 2011. The game features five unique and epic quests where you will alternate exploration and turn-based puzzle battles in order save the world of Ashan from demonic chaos. DOWNLOAD the GAME on XBOX Marketplace: April 13, 2011. Might and Magic: Clash of Heroes - Official Launch Trailer (2011) XBLA | HD Developer: Capybara Games Release Date: April 13, 2011. Genre: Adventure, Role-P...
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