This is a game from mobile to nintendo DS. Being rich and famous will be well fun in Miami! In Miami Nights you begins without money to pay the rent. You can choose to be singer, actor or model and and various options to work as: in the museum, Model jacuzzi, balloons Seller, Ice Cream seller, dishwasher, snack bar etc... In Miami you can:yacht, car, house, party, flirt, be famous and fun. is a fun game and that the evolution depends on: physical, sex appeal, culture, etc... Let`s play! ^ ^ Thank you! Doubts about miami nigh...
Check us out at noobtoob We know that the video is flickery this week. I have no idea what happened, the camera just decided to be a bastard! It will be punished. NooBTooB is a weekly independent gaming podcast for casual and serious gamers alike. This week Tobin and Yuzo talk about: * Harvey Birdman: Attorney At Law * Supreme Commander: Forged Alliance * Scene It * NooBTooB Team Fortress 2 Social And preview next weeks games: * (DS) Miami Nights: Singles in the City (what??) * Noobtoob WoW-a-thon Come join the forums at noo...
Start living your life in the spotlight with Miami Nights: life in the Spotlight available now in North America on your Dsi Ware! Find the path to make your dreams come true, become a star and live crazy nights in Miami. Official site: gameloft Friend us on Facebook facebook Follow us on Twitter: twitter Visit our blog: blog.gameloft...
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