Mass Effect 2 Launch Trailer [HD] Developer: Bioware Release: 1/26/2010 Genre: RPG Platform: X360/PC Publisher: EA Website: masseffect.bioware Two years after Commander Shepard repelled invading Reapers bent on the destruction of organic life, a mysterious new enemy has emerged. On the fringes of known space, something is silently abducting entire human colonies. Now Shepard must work with Cerberus, a ruthless organization devoted to human survival at any cost, to stop the most terrifying threat mankind has ever faced. To ev...
gamezplay - Announcing the voice actors performing in Mass Effect 2, PC and Xbox 360 the second act of the award-winning science fiction video game trilogy. The game features Emmy and Golden Globe Award-winning actor Martin Sheen Illusive man (The West Wing, Apocalypse Now), 2009 Emmy Award-winner Shohreh Aghdashloo Admiral Shala Raan (House of Saddam), comedic actor Seth Green Joker (Austin Powers), Chuck stars Yvonne Strahovski Miranda Lawson and Adam Baldwin Kal Reegar, Keith David Anderson (Crash) and sci-fi favorites Mi...
Update: on 5/17/2010 Bioware released a patch that removes this exploit. However, you can still do this if you clear your 360s harddrive cache and play offline. This trick grants you infinite squad points in the Xbox 360 version. The only requirement is having at least 4 points and a skill ready to be evolved. When evolving a skill, press X+A simultaneously. Also note that this can be done at any point in the game. You can even do this if youve already reached level 30. Simply use the Retrain Powers upgrade....
Mass Effect 2: Game Preview S1E12 Coming soon from EA is the second installment of their epic sci-fi adventure trilogy, Mass Effect 2. FOR MORE MACHINIMA GOTO: youtube TAGS: Mass Effect 2 BioWare Corp Electronic Arts EA UPC 014633159820 MPN 882224355254 machinima video game xbox360 bioware rpg geth spaceship star wars knights of the old republic jade empire e3 ea yt:quality=high...
Mass Effect 2 Full Length Cinematic Trailer [HD] Developer: Bioware Release: 1/26/2010 Genre: RPG Platform: X360/PC Publisher: EA Website: masseffect.bioware Two years after Commander Shepard repelled invading Reapers bent on the destruction of organic life, a mysterious new enemy has emerged. On the fringes of known space, something is silently abducting entire human colonies. Now Shepard must work with Cerberus, a ruthless organization devoted to human survival at any cost, to stop the most terrifying threat mankind has ev...