My very first Lets Play! This game is one of the DSs earliest RPGs, and is a pretty fun, if obscure game. Im still new at this LP business, so I apologize if its not terribly good. I will learn! I also know that the games audio is a little low. Ill try to fix that for future videos....
We face the Ant Queen, which seems to have some termite-like traits and also get to hear this games actual boss theme. I apologize for how this video was cut off rather abruptly. It seems I am indeed still new to this....
The DS, to me, is one of the best gaming systems ever created, so I just thought Id do a quick video of my current collection. I know I have some meh games I found on sale, but I also have some real gems. :) There are still a lot of games on the DS I want but dont have... but that also takes a lot more money which I also dont have. :P Here in about a week I will have Platinum though. :) Feel free to recommend any games you dont see here, or ask about the ones you do! :D Games names/review in order of appearance: Yu-gi-oh Wor...
Since Episode 9 was nearly ten minutes long anyway, I thought Id just continue with this episode as if it were a full one (which for all intents and purposes may as well be). Anyway, the Ant Queen is dead and the King now has the legendary Diggy Claws. We also find a contraption that Lassi swears is a windmill. Could be an airplace propeller, too For some reason, my voice is rather quiet in this video. Im not sure why....
We finish up the fight against the giant scorpion (erm, ant lion) and find ourselves locked in prison by a bunch of robots. How will our young wizards get out of this one? I think the scropion/ant lion and the large robot are actually mini-bosses than regular bosses. After all, they still have the theme for regular enemies during the fight....