from the press release The beloved and critically acclaimed LEGO Star Wars franchise is back and coming to homes around the world in 2011. The third sequel, LEGO Star Wars 3 : The Clone Wars, combines the epic stories and iconic characters from the Star Wars universe and hit animated TV series Star Wars: The Clone Wars with all new gameplay features. Players will enjoy brand new game mechanics allowing them to create, control and explore in a galaxy far, far away like never before. Promising breathtaking visuals as well as n...
from the press release The beloved and critically acclaimed LEGO Star Wars franchise is back and coming to homes around the world in 2011. The third sequel, LEGO Star Wars 3 : The Clone Wars, combines the epic stories and iconic characters from the Star Wars universe and hit animated TV series Star Wars: The Clone Wars with all new gameplay features. Players will enjoy brand new game mechanics allowing them to create, control and explore in a galaxy far, far away like never before. Promising breathtaking visuals as well as n...
from the press release The beloved and critically acclaimed LEGO Star Wars franchise is back and coming to homes around the world in 2011. The third sequel, LEGO Star Wars 3 : The Clone Wars, combines the epic stories and iconic characters from the Star Wars universe and hit animated TV series Star Wars: The Clone Wars with all new gameplay features. Players will enjoy brand new game mechanics allowing them to create, control and explore in a galaxy far, far away like never before. Promising breathtaking visuals as well as n...
Hey guys! Lego Star Wars 3 is the latest game of Travellers Tales in the universe of Star Wars. This time is taken the animated series of Clone Wars of CN, to be more exactly, the season 1 and 2 (and a small part of the 3) In this video I want to show you ALL characters of the game that can be unlocked during the game, buying in both battle cruisers and collecting all minikits in every stage. To be honest, I expected a BETTER roster, but hell... This is Clone Wars : NOTE: Chanciller Palpatine, Grand Moff Tarkin and Savage Op...
from the press release The beloved and critically acclaimed LEGO Star Wars franchise is back and coming to homes around the world in 2011. The third sequel, LEGO Star Wars 3 : The Clone Wars, combines the epic stories and iconic characters from the Star Wars universe and hit animated TV series Star Wars: The Clone Wars with all new gameplay features. Players will enjoy brand new game mechanics allowing them to create, control and explore in a galaxy far, far away like never before. Promising breathtaking visuals as well as n...
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