Star Chow (Stephen Chow) is an officer in the Royal Hong Kong Polices elite Special Duties Unit (SDU). During a meeting with his senior officer, Inspector Yip (Deanie Ip), Star jokingly suggests he wish to be reassigned to the traffic unit. Star immediately finds himself demoted to Constable engaging in traffic duty on the streets of Hong Kong. After being made the scapegoat for a failed high school terrorist investigation, Star hastily resigns from the police. He decides to enroll at the high school to launch his own privat...
Jordan Chan attempts to cross Victoria Harbour in the satirical comedy Escape From Hong Kong Island, directed and written by triple-terror writer/director/actor Simon Lui Yu-Yeung. Chan is Raymond Mak, a despicable Master of the Universe stock trader who gets handed a day from Hell. First hes fired by his boss (Law Kar-Ying), then hes robbed by a harried businessman (Paul Wong of rock band Beyond). Raymond already has a new job lined up across the harbour, but getting from Wanchai to Tsimshatsui requires at least three dolla...
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