In a world ravaged by endless conflict and natural disaster, a call for peace turns into a bloodbath of betrayal and deceit in Lair for the PlayStation 3 (PS3) computer entertainment system. Playing as a warrior named Rohn who rides a voracious dragon trained for deadly aerial and ground combat, gamers must defeat the war-hungry Mokai to save the Asylian civilization. Together, Rohn and his dragon will attempt to change the destiny of a world on the brink of extinction by scorching, clawing and smashing through thousands of ...
ps3gangsta The player assumes the role a dragon-riding knight named Rohn. Rohn is given the tasks of defending a certain area, destroying certain objects, eliminating enemies or creatures, and other mission-based objectives. After each stage, the player can earn either gold, silver, or bronze medals, depending on performance during the level. A platinum medal is also available, though unlike the other three its requirements are hidden. Earning medals assists in unlocking combos and behind-the-scenes videos....
This is part 1 of a gameplay video for Lair on the PS3. Are modern gamers too damn lazy to learn a game before they cry about it? Im playing this with the Sixaxis control, and for those whiners out there, there is a patch that allows you to used the analog stick to control it. There are four kinds of gamers when it comes to this game: 1. The Bandwagon idiots who have never played the game, but bash it to be cool and go along with the crowd like the mindless drone ****s they are. This is the typical mainstream gamer out there...
Assassins Creed, Army of Two, Killzone 2, Lair, Heavenly Sword, and Gran Turismo HD Prospect are in this movie, army of two could possibly use a different video, but its still cool, enjoy, Please rate and comment please ^.^...
This is part 2 of a gameplay video for Lair on the PS3. Are modern gamers too damn lazy to learn a game before they cry about it? Im playing this with the Sixaxis control, and for those whiners out there, there is a patch that allows you to used the analog stick to control it. There are four kinds of gamers when it comes to this game: 1. The Bandwagon idiots who have never played the game, but bash it to be cool and go along with the crowd like the mindless drone ****s they are. This is the typical mainstream gamer out there...