The Panda is back to flaunt his unique martial arts prowess once again in the video game sequel to Kung Fu Panda. Kung Fu Panda 2 the video game begins where the movie leaves off, as Po and the Furious Five venture out to save kung fu from a new evil threat. Only with Kinect for Xbox 360 will Po teach players key kung fu moves and train them for impending battles against new, never-before-seen enemies, co-created by THQ and DreamWorks Animation. Utilizing Kinect, players will then seemingly transform into Po as they block, d...
Classic Game Room presents a CGRundertow review of Kung Fu Panda 2 from Griptonite Games and THQ for the Xbox 360. Kung Fu Panda 2 is also available for the Nintendo Wii and PlayStation 3. Kung Fu Panda 2 is based on the animated movie and is basically a one-on-one brawler. Playing as a furry martial artist named Po, you jump into fights between tutorials, minigames and cut scenes. You can punch, kick, defend and use special finishing attacks, and you do it all by mimicking the attacks in your living room. Like a lot of Kine...
Please read the Description Box/Info Box before writing anything. Spoiler alert!! I only record these games for Entertainment Purposes, for myself, friends and other people that have interest for the videos. I never record the video to show off my gaming skill; Im just showing of the games. Im not doing walkthrough or anything. None of my video suppose to be one either. Read before you write anything. .: Gaming Videos/Playlist :. Go to my channel or maomelody.wordpress .: Facebook :. facebook ~~~~~~~ Enjoy the Video! ~~~~~~~...
Please read the Description Box/Info Box before writing anything. Spoiler alert!! I only record these games for Entertainment Purposes, for myself, friends and other people that have interest for the videos. I never record the video to show off my gaming skill; Im just showing of the games. Im not doing walkthrough or anything. None of my video suppose to be one either. Read before you write anything. .: Gaming Videos/Playlist :. Go to my channel or maomelody.wordpress .: Facebook :. facebook ~~~~~~~ Enjoy the Video! ~~~~~~~...
Please read the Description Box/Info Box before writing anything. Spoiler alert!! I only record these games for Entertainment Purposes, for myself, friends and other people that have interest for the videos. I never record the video to show off my gaming skill; Im just showing of the games. Im not doing walkthrough or anything. None of my video suppose to be one either. Read before you write anything. .: Gaming Videos/Playlist :. Go to my channel or maomelody.wordpress .: Facebook :. facebook ~~~~~~~ Enjoy the Video! ~~~~~~~...