The new trailer for Dynasty Warriors: Gundam 3, showcasing this sequel developed by KOEIs Omega Force team. Dynasty Warriors: Gundam 3 will be available in summer 2011, for Xbox 360 and PS3. PRE-ORDER Dynasty Warriors: Gundam 3 NOW: Coming soon. Dynasty Warriors: Gundam 3 - Gameplay Trailer (2011) OFFICIAL | HD Developer: Koei Release Date: June 24, 2011(EU) - June 28, 2011(US) Genre: Action Platform: Xbox 360, PS3 Publisher: Namco Bandai Website: koei ESRB: T (Fantasy Violence; Mild Language) FOLLOW US @ Twitter TAGS: video...
Dynasty Warriors: Gundam 3 - 360-hq Set in the future, chaotic warfare has engulfed the universe. The world is ripe with strife as gigantic mecha called Mobile Suits march to war on land and in space. Featuring characters and mecha from over 30 years of Gundam® anime and manga series, DYNASTY WARRIORS:GUNDAM 3 thrusts players into the galactic melee with over 50 playable and upgradable characters and over 70 playable and upgradeable Mobile Suits combed from the Gundam universe. New additions include Mobile Suits from Mobile...
Dynasty Warriors Gundam 2 to deliver more massive mobile suits, melee combat mayhem and online versus play. Official Site: Platform(s): PlayStation 3 / Xbox 360 Best Regards, KOEI Ltd. -
Dynasty Warriors Gundam 2 to deliver more massive mobile suits, melee combat mayhem and online versus play. Official Site: Platform(s) PlayStation 3 / Xbox 360 Best Regards, KOEI Ltd. -
Conquer the areas of Ancient China and build an empire using cunning, diplomacy and uncompromising force. The armies of the kingdom are at your command. Official Site: Platform(s): PlayStation 3 / Xbox 360 Best Regards, KOEI Ltd. -
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