Check us out at noobtoob Watch in HIGH QUALITY! youtubeNooBTooB is a weekly independent gaming podcast for casual and serious gamers alike. This week Tobin and Yuzo talk about: (DS) Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood - 13:11 (Multi) Fracture - 16:27 (Multi) Silent Hill: Homecoming - 21:06 (DS) Kage Densetsu: The Legend of Kage 2 - 25:48 (PS3) Little Big Planet - 1:57 And review next weeks games: (Multi) Dead Space - 27:52 (Multi) Saints Row 2 - 29:30 (360|PS3) Golden Axe: Beast Rider - 30:00 (PC|Wii) World of Goo - 31:19...
Check us out at noobtoob Watch in HIGH QUALITY! youtubeNooBTooB is a weekly independent gaming podcast for casual and serious gamers alike. This week Tobin and Yuzo talk about: (PC) Sid Meirs Civilization IV: Colonization (PSN|XBLA) Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix (PC|PSN|XBLA) Flock (PSN|WW|XBLA) Mega Man 9 (PC|PSN|XBLA) Age of Booty And review next weeks games: (360|PS3) Fracture (360|PC|PS3) Brothers in Arms: Hells Highway (Multi) Crash Bandicoot: Mind Over Mutant (DS) Kage Densetsu: The Legend of Kage 2 Plus: Come...
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