An action-adventure for up to four players set in the world of Malaria, where Igor and his three companions Scamper, Brain, and Eva work together to save the land of Malaria. Each player controls one of the four characters. The players will adventure through all the major locations from the movie, co-operating to battle Schadenfreude and his minions, solve puzzles, and ultimately save Malaria...
He always had a hunch he could change the world Join Igor, Eva, Scamper, and Brain as they quest through the Kingdom of Malaria. Help them battle the Evil Scientists and other enemies while working towards Igors ultimate goal of winning the annual Evil Science Fair! * Quest thru multiple levels to find Eva, Igors monster creation, who has been stolen by other mad scientists * Create your own monsters and use upgrade to buy modifications for your creature * Different body part choices give different abilities * Play vs your f...
Overview: He always had a hunch he could change the world. Join Igor, Eva, Scamper, and Brain as they quest through the Kingdom of Malaria. Help them battle the Evil Scientists and other enemies while working towards Igors ultimate goal of winning the annual Evil Science Fair! Igor The Game is based on the highly anticipated animated movie releasing later this year Features: Wii & PC: • Beautifully rendered, intense platforming-adventure gameplay • Play as any of the 4 main characters: Igor, Eva, Scamper or Brain - eithe...
This is Pocket Bogart running on a Nintendo DS emulator. I developed and designed the UI, my mate Louis Lopes wrote most of the script. Its still just a demo, but its a project that I love working on and Im currently porting it to the iPhone. Its a film noir / detective adventure game, filled with intrigue, and mystery. Music: Escape the Chase (Igor Dvorkin, Duncan Pittock)...
A video entry into EB Games 3ds video competition. Fingers Crossed More info: The ds is made out of game items (sword, crab, mario hat, nut, mushroom, coin), wires, clay, metal plates, alligator clips, play doh, paper clips, paper, a bit of cardboard and a small gun.... The entire project from build to final video took about 60 - 70 hours. I hope you enjoyed it :) Music is by Eric Calderone you can find him here : youtube Big Head: What? Why? Huh? Big Head is basically my version of Igor the assistant to Frankenstein you see...