Check out intense Homefront Multiplayer gameplay footage online in HD on the Xbox 360 (also available on the Playstation 3 PS3) in Skirmish Mode as I get number one in the room on Suburbs Map. Watch as air and land drones are deployed against enemy troops on the Suburb multiplayer map! In my opinion, this game is a mix of Call of Duty and Battlefield Bad Company 2 - which is awesome! Full description of Homefront game: Homefront is a first-person shooter that challenges players to survive and impact a fictional future scenar...
Homefront E3 2010 Trailer [HD] Developer: Kaos Studios Release: TBA Genre: FPS Platform: PS3/X360/PC Publisher: THQ Website: homefront for sale for sale-game In the aftermath of a devastating global energy crisis, Americas industries and resources have been brutally seized by a nuclear-armed North Korea. The military is dismantled and civil liberties are crushed. Abandoned by her former allies, The United States is a nation under siege, a bleak landscape of walled towns and abandoned suburbs. This is a police state where hig...
Homefront (PC, PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360) is set in 2027. Her infrastructure shattered and military in disarray, America has fallen to a savage occupation by the nuclear armed Greater Korean Republic. Abandoned by her former allies, the United States is a bleak landscape of walled towns and abandoned suburbs. This is a police state where high school stadiums have become detention centers, and shopping malls shelter armored attack vehicles. Join the Resistance, stand united and fight for freedom against an overwhelming milit...
Played Homefront online on Xbox Live as a sniper and had awesome killstreaks when sniping in a multiplayer match on the Xbox 360 in full HD. Youll get an idea of how sniping works in Homefront, among other things, and also check out the kicka** map! Kaos Studios does an excellent job with map design! Full description of Homefront game: Homefront is a first-person shooter that challenges players to survive and impact a fictional future scenario in which America has been economically devastated and occupied by a foreign power....
Homefront (PC, PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360) is set in 2027. Her infrastructure shattered and military in disarray, America has fallen to a savage occupation by the nuclear armed Greater Korean Republic. Abandoned by her former allies, the United States is a bleak landscape of walled towns and abandoned suburbs. This is a police state where high school stadiums have become detention centers, and shopping malls shelter armored attack vehicles. Join the Resistance, stand united and fight for freedom against an overwhelming milit...