Hello, This is my unboxing of the full band bundle of Guitar Hero Warriors Of Rock it comes with the guitar controller, Drums, Microphone and the game. If you want me to make a review or gameplay of this let me know in the comments below!:D Thanks for watching! Subscribe for more...
my unboxing of the guitar hero warriors of rock guitar pack game that I got free from freebiejeebies. Its a fantastic game, probably the best so far. This is the guitar bundle for the xbox 360. Here is the link to the freebiejeebies site where you can get one for free aswell: gifts.freebiejeebies.co.uk...
youtube Guitar Hero Warriors of Rock: This Day We Fight 100% by Danny Johnson (Gameplay/Commentary) Guitar Hero: Warriors of Rock - Sudden Death 100% Expert Drums (Gameplay/Commentary) Scott Johnson (Guinness World Record holder) hitting 100% on Sudden Death By Megadeth Check out our real Guitar / Music on our Youtube Channels. DIRECTORS CHANNELS: youtube youtube youtube DIRECTORS LIVE STREAM: guitarherophenom DIRECTORS TWITTER: twitter DIRECTORS FACEBOOK: facebook - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ...
I scored a pretty good deal on the full Guitar Hero Warriors of Rock band pack a few weeks back. Here I do an unboxing and quick test of the drums. I really only bought it for the newer style drums and thats the main focus in this vid. Im a massive fan of rhythm based games and Im kinda addicted to drumming on games like Guitar Hero :). But, the drum peripherals for both GH and Rock Band arent the best quality and dont usually last long with prolonged use. Because I play them so often (and Im probably a little too rough with...
in this series of videos i will be unboxing and putting together a brand new buy buy guitar hero warriors of rock band bundle for xbox 360 Part 1 - Unboxing Part 2 - Build part 1 Part 3 - Build part 2 Part 4 - Unboxing of disk :P...
Buy other Cheap guitar hero warriors of rock band bundle on Sale for XBOX360