Here I show the gaming related stuff I bought in the month of march, as always with japanese music. And as always here is the list of all the stuff, in the order as seen in the video. SNES: Skyblazer PC: Touhou Kaeidzuka: Phantasmagoria of Flower View (Touhou 09) Touhou Bunkachou: Double Spoiler (Touhou 12.5) DS: Pokemon White Version MEGA DRIVE: Empire of Steel (US: Steel Empire) Pier Solar and the Great Architects PS2: Ar tonelico: Melody of Elemia XBOX 360: DeathSmiles Enchanted Arms XBLA: Strania Mimi Inza Sukai (indie) ...
Gameplay straight from Pokemon Black & White on the Nintendo DS! The third and final fighting legendary is hiding out in Pinwheel Forest. Snag his brothers, then grab him too. PATCHED! already patched roms: white: black: Download ALL Patch & Firmware Here: Download Tutorial: Clean Rom Works on: - SUperCard DSTWO (EOS 1.09) - Acekard RPG (WoodRPG v1.26) - DSTT/DSTTi/YSMENU (RetroGameFan v6.52) - M3 Real/M3i Zero (RetroGameFan v6.52) - Simply R4/M3 (Wood v1.26) - R4iDSN (Wood v1.26) - R4 RPG (Wood v...
Mrs Kerr was given an amazing tour of Heaven, many times over a 10 year period. This account will answer many of the questions that people have, and give good illustrations of what Heaven looks like, and how life in Heaven will be. A must read for all who are awaiting the Kingdom of God....
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