Classic Game Room HD reviews GI JOE: THE RISE OF COBRA for Xbox 360, also on Playstation 3 PS3, Nintendo Wii, PSP and Nintendo DS. GI Joe The Rise of Cobra the video game is based on the GIJoe series and movie and features 16 playable characters (12 Joes and 4 Cobras). This CGRHD review of GI JOE The Rise of Cobra on Xbox 360 has gameplay footage from GI Joe The Rise of Cobra showing HD game play from the 360 version, which is no doubt identical to the PS3 version of GI Joe the video game. 20 levels, 4 environments and lots ...
Free Gaming Magazine Latest Game Reviews Plants vs. Zombies Resident Evil 5 Phantasy Star: Portable The Chronicles of Riddick: Assault on Dark Athena Wanted: Weapons of Fate Cryostasis: Sleep of Reason Sonic and the Black Knight Stormrise Crazy Machines Silent Hill Homecoming MadWorld
Just because the graphics are better doesnt mean the game is better Classic Game Room HD reviews GI Joe Cobra Strike, the video game, for the Atari 2600. YOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO JOE! Fighting for freedom over land and air, GI Joe is there! GI JOE!!!!!!!! A real American Hero! Step to the real and fight Cobra with this video game... but does it keep it real? This rare Atari 2600 game uses the paddle controllers as you fight Cobra Commander, Serpentor, Destro, Zartan and the Baroness... sort of. In this review we talk about GI J...
No Pick of the Week this week because none intrest me. For the 360 Brave: A Warriors Tale GI Joe: The Rise of Cobra Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Turtles in Time Re-Shelled Wii GI Joe: The Rise of Cobra Real Heroes: Firefighter Brave: A Warriors Tale Daisy Fuentes Pilates World Championship Athletics Overturn Psp Aliens in the Attic Hannah Montana: Rock Out the Show Brave: A Warriors Tale GI Joe: The Rise of Cobra Ps3 GI Joe: The Rise of Cobra SingStar: Queen Ps2 GI Joe: The Rise of Cobra SingStar: Queen P Aliens in the Atti...
This week on Pay, Rent or Pass we review the movie to game adaptation for GI Joe Rise of The Cobra developed by Double Helix and published by EA for the Xbox 360. We determine whether or not this game will be as good...errrr, wait... better then the movie. Well a few of the actors from the movie lend their voices to the game so it has to be good. Right? RIGHT???? FOR MORE MACHINIMA GOTO: youtube...
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