The only way to get this game is through Club Nintendo, I do have this game ,but I do not own these video clips and if your a Club Nintendo Member stay away from this game. I may review this game in the future (This movie basically shows the ENTIRE game.)...
Chris Kohler of the Wired News blog Game|Life breaks the shrinkwrap on a very rare, promo only Nintendo DS game, thus robbing himself and the world of a valuable collectors item. Contains: Game and Watch Collection; alcohol abuse. blog.wired...
Game & Watch DS Unboxing, and some info on how to get your own copy. Thats about it really, my most straightforward video yet! Uploaded to embed in a post on vdogmr, which you should really read for more info on the video and game :)...
Its no secret the staff at Its Unboxed has spent a good deal of time playing Nintendo games. And finally that sad fanboyism has paid off in the form of Club Nintendo coins. After registering and doing a bunch of surveys for the big N, Its Unboxed reached the vaunted Platinum status on Club Nintendo, and came up with enough points for a free (if you consider one game for the price of 20 free) game. Heres a look at the top prize in Club Nintendo, the Game & Watch Collection, which features three classic LED games from the orig...
Before the Game Boy... Before the Nintendo DS... there was Game and Watch. These handheld games were famous because of their simple gameplay, and their ability to tell time as well as entertain people, and it was also because of certain game and watch games that inspired the design for the DS (both the original and the lite versions...
Buy other Cheap game and watch collection on Sale for NDS