Based on the hit TV show, Super Hero Squad Online is a massively multiplayer online (MMO) game from The Amazing Society and Gazillion Entertainment. Featuring iconic heroes and villains from the Marvel Universe in a living online world, players can team up with friends as they engage in combat, show off their decked-out squad in the games social spaces, collect thousands of items and explore interactive environments based on classic and new Marvel worlds. Master the talents and amazing powers of Spider-Man, Iron Man, War Mac...
Based on the hit TV show, Super Hero Squad Online is a massively multiplayer online (MMO) game from The Amazing Society and Gazillion Entertainment. Featuring iconic heroes and villains from the Marvel Universe in a living online world, players can team up with friends as they engage in combat, show off their decked-out squad in the games social spaces, collect thousands of items and explore interactive environments based on classic and new Marvel worlds. Master the talents and amazing powers of Spider-Man, Iron Man, War Mac...
Based on the hit TV show, Super Hero Squad Online is a massively multiplayer online (MMO) game from The Amazing Society and Gazillion Entertainment. Featuring iconic heroes and villains from the Marvel Universe in a living online world, players can team up with friends as they engage in combat, show off their decked-out squad in the games social spaces, collect thousands of items and explore interactive environments based on classic and new Marvel worlds. Master the talents and amazing powers of Spider-Man, Iron Man, War Mac...
Based on the hit TV show, Super Hero Squad Online is a massively multiplayer online (MMO) game from The Amazing Society and Gazillion Entertainment. Featuring iconic heroes and villains from the Marvel Universe in a living online world, players can team up with friends as they engage in combat, show off their decked-out squad in the games social spaces, collect thousands of items and explore interactive environments based on classic and new Marvel worlds. Master the talents and amazing powers of Spider-Man, Iron Man, War Mac...
Based on the hit TV show, Super Hero Squad Online is a massively multiplayer online (MMO) game from The Amazing Society and Gazillion Entertainment. Featuring iconic heroes and villains from the Marvel Universe in a living online world, players can team up with friends as they engage in combat, show off their decked-out squad in the games social spaces, collect thousands of items and explore interactive environments based on classic and new Marvel worlds. Master the talents and amazing powers of Spider-Man, Iron Man, War Mac...