Exclusive storyline that complements the film - combination of movie and original plot Fight enemies from the Fantastic Four universe including Silver Surfer, Red Ghost, Terrax and Super Skrull Unique Fusion Attack system - Combine forces with one, two or all three teammates, executing devastating team attacks against the opposition Take on the role of any member of the Fantastic Four team and switch characters at any time Use each members unique special abilities that will help the team get through different situations...
Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer is a video game based on the film of the same name and stars the Marvel Comics characters Fantastic Four and the Silver Surfer. It was also published by Take-Two Interactive rather than Activision. Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer is the first Fantastic Four game that allows 4 people to play as together (Previous games have only been 2 player), however, the previous years Marvel: Ultimate Alliance was the first game to allow 4 people to play together as the Fantastic Four. H...
stumpedgamer presents... Fantastic Four - Rise Of The Silver Surfer - XBOX360 - Level 1 [2/3] Marvels first family of Super Heroes face its greatest challenge yet as the enigmatic, intergalactic herald, The Silver Surfer, comes to Earth to prepare it for destruction. As the Silver Surfer races around the globe wreaking havoc, the team must unravel the mystery of the Silver Surfer and confront the surprising return of their mortal enemy, Dr. Doom, before all hope is lost! Dont forget to catch up on the latest video walkthroug...
stumpedgamer presents... Fantastic Four - Rise Of The Silver Surfer - XBOX360 - Level 1 [3/3] Marvels first family of Super Heroes face its greatest challenge yet as the enigmatic, intergalactic herald, The Silver Surfer, comes to Earth to prepare it for destruction. As the Silver Surfer races around the globe wreaking havoc, the team must unravel the mystery of the Silver Surfer and confront the surprising return of their mortal enemy, Dr. Doom, before all hope is lost! Dont forget to catch up on the latest video walkthroug...
stumpedgamer presents... Fantastic Four - Rise Of The Silver Surfer - XBOX360 - Introduction Marvels first family of Super Heroes face its greatest challenge yet as the enigmatic, intergalactic herald, The Silver Surfer, comes to Earth to prepare it for destruction. As the Silver Surfer races around the globe wreaking havoc, the team must unravel the mystery of the Silver Surfer and confront the surprising return of their mortal enemy, Dr. Doom, before all hope is lost!Dont forget to catch up on the latest video walkthroughs...
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