Reviewer: dogbomb I dont even know how to decribe this weeks game, but I urge you all to try it... In the review I said it cost lots of MONEYS... but thats a lie, because its actually ABSOLUTELY FREE! You can get it for free from: Having said that, Id urge you to buy the HD version from Steam. It seems much nicer and you get little achievement things and that. Anyways, enjoy the review... and Ill likelyt post some further thoughts in the comments so check back....
Eversion is a freeware 2D platformer game in the vein of Super Mario Bros. You can download it here at (If youve never played it before, I suggest stopping the video right now if you want to play!) Version 1.7.3, released in May 2009, adds a number of features not seen in version 1.5.2. Among them are new BGM for the title screen and World 1, slightly different jumping physics, a completely redone World 8, and a time attack mode that you activate after clearing all eight worlds. World 8 in 1.7.3 is much different fr...
Eversion is this little game that came on sale for 10% off (which was about 50 cents XD) on Steam. There is a virtually identical free version available too, but the Steam version features Achievements, higher resolution, higher quality visuals, controller support and some other things. Some people have trouble with this special stage 8, so I made this video. Youll probably notice some jumps in the audio and video. Those are sections which show that I died sometime after that point, stupidly. I cut it as best I could though,...
Since these arent exactly Lets Play videos figured I should come up with my own title. This is the second video put up of another indie title. I feel this one specifically deserves some attention as it has something... special :] Watch the video. Youll figure it out....
This was a requested blind Lets Play. ***DISCLAMER*** The music that plays after the intro is from Rocket Knight Adventures on the Sega Genesis. Rocket Knight Adventures is owned by Konami and I EmeraldMasterPixed hold no ownership what-so-ever towards Rocket Knight Adventures or Eversion. Rocket Knight Adventures is copyrighted by Komani Eversion is copyrighted by Guilherme S. Tows;